We paid our $12 and rolled into the parking lot just off the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey.
I opened the car door and there it was: the smell of salt water, the sound of an arcade and the sight of surf.
It was the perfect summer trifecta.
It was me & Kristin & Ralph and it was just awesome.
Let me just say this: If you're young & good looking & in love, it's pretty darn easy getting a decent engagement shoot.
Especially if your willing to roll around in the sand.
Sorry about the sand in the car, Ralph. And thanks for the taffy.

I know, I know I know: I am hopelessly behind in updating the blog. This summer has been a wonderful whirlwind and I have had just a batch of awesome weddings. Big shout out to Rich & Heather & Lindsay & Jess & Mark & Susan & Kelly & Alistair & Kristal & Robert & Chris & Leanne.
I'll get more of these online, I promise.