My job, sometimes, is impossibly easy. I show up, people share amazing moments and I snap the picture. Click. Done.
It's as simple as that: The best pictures are gifts.
This gift was given to me by Jason and Erica and Jason's dad Paul:

I sent this photo to my buddy and said: "This is why I do what I do." It's authentic and powerful. It speaks to me about the people who are in it. It moves me.
I'll trade a bucket full of pretty silhouette's for just one of these. The good ones - the really great ones - have to be given to you.
Jason and Erica felt like old friends by the time their wedding rolled around. You may remember them from an earlier blog about their engagement photo last year outside the movie theater. We put their names on the marquee and shot them in the street at night. It was awesome.
And so was their wedding. It was warm & fun & loving.
Thanks for the photos,