I was ready for this one.
It had been nearly two months since my last wedding and I was really, really excited to shoot again.
Along came Rebecca & Michael.
This one was special from the beginning. Michael and Rebecca own The Architects Club in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and run catering for The Club at Morgan Hill near Easton, Pennsylvania.
Rebecca is the wedding planner at both facilities and Michael is the executive chef. We have worked weddings together many times and they have a reputation for being the very best in the Lehigh Valley.
This is a couple who spend their professional lives catering to the needs of wedding couples, now getting married themselves. The wedding planner plans her own wedding. The executive chef bakes his own wedding cake.
The new dimension for me was to document a larger aspect of the wedding, the planning process itself. I went with Rebecca to the florist and then the greenhouse of Phillipsburg High School where students were growing her wedding flowers from bulbs. At 8:00 a.m. on his wedding day, Michael and I were in the club kitchen putting final touches on the cake he and his wife would cut that night.
That was all new & interesting & fun but looking back at the images now, I remember mainly the warmth and joy on their wedding day. In that respect it was what every wedding should be about.